Wednesday, February 10, 2010

We Do This For Real Not For Thrill!

Fishing is Our Passion

Do you ever get overwhelmed with your daily agenda? What do you do to get your mind cleared up? As for us, getting overwhelmed is a frequent thing. From arriving to work, and then getting to the books and then getting to a meeting or studio session. From there, to making sure we get to the correct venue to scout new talent. Overwhelmed becomes an understatement. We have got lucky because we have a hobby which is one of our biggest passion and the artists that we assist have the same hobby and passion we have which is fishing. It sucks sometime because they are schooling us in something that we think we are the best at! We get out in that water and they are catching fish and we are watching. Sometime we bring up business to try and distract them from what they are doing but it doesn’t work at all. Rivers, Lake and Oceans have become our third home. Is a place of peace. It’s an environment that allows us to clear our minds and come up with a plan for the following day, week, and month! It’s another one of our passions because of the competition and the rush of not knowing if I am going to leave with a fish. Competition creates passion.
